Where to File Complaints Against Geo Group for Labor Laws

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Case Describ Novoa v. GEO Group IM-CA-0142
Docket / Motor lodge 5:17-cv-02514 ( C.D. Cal. )
Country/Territory California
Case Type(s) Immigration and/or the Border
Uncommon Ingathering COVID-19 (new coronavirus)
Immigrant Custody Labor Issues
Grammatical case Summary

COVID-19 Compendious: This is a division action lawsuit o'er labor conditions in the Adelanto Custody Center. The plaintiffs filed a motion for a temporary restraining order on April 6, 2020, requesting relief from work for class members, or adequate antifouling clothing, incorrupt supplies, and testing, ... read more >

COVID-19 Summary: This is a family natural process cause over Labor Party conditions in the Adelanto Hold Center. The plaintiffs filed a motion for a impermanent restraining order on April 6, 2020, requesting relief from work for class members, operating room adequate protective clothing, antiseptic supplies, and testing, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The judge denied the gesture for temporary restraining parliamentary procedure on April 22. The plaintiffs moved for partial summary judgment connected December 21, 2020, and the defendants cross moved for judgement on the pleadings and for a hearing to derecognise the class. Arsenic of September 26, 2021, the court has one of these days to resolve the motions for summary judgment and class decertification and a panel trial is regular for January of 2022.

On December 19, 2017, an immigrant previously detained from 2012 through 2015 at the Adelanto Detention Center, a civic immigration detention facility, filed this putative class carry out in the U.S. Zone Court for the Central District of California. The plaintiff sued GEO Chemical group (GEO), a close company that owned and operated the Adelanto Facility for profit, low-level the Trafficking Victim Protection Act and California Minimum Wage Natural law. The plaintiff, represented past clubby counsel, sought monetary system, declaratory, and injunctive relief, claiming violations of the Trafficking Victims Security Act and California state law. Specifically, the plaintiff alleged that GEO maintained a practice of wage theft, partial enrichment, and forced Labor. The plaintiff supposed that GEO used detainee Labour Party to maximise its own lucre, paying detainees just $1 per day to maintain and operate the facility. Because Adelanto Facility had a praxis of withholding necessary care to ensure a supply of labor, the complainant declared that the labor was involuntary because detainees were forced to work ready to buy basic necessities that GEO did not provide.

On February 16, 2018, the defendants moved to give the axe the claim, alleging that the complainant had unsuccessful to state a claim upon which moderation could be granted. The plaintiffs submitted a eldest revised complaint on July 6, 2018 with no operative deviations from their original complaint. The defendants moved to dismiss the amended complaint on July 20, 2018. The plaintiffs submitted a second better complaint on December 24, 2018, adding a plaintiff. On Sep 16, 2019, the plaintiffs filed a thirdly amended complaint, adding plaintiffs, a arrogate of forced and attempted forced labor, and a call that the defendant's counterclaims were a form of revenge.

In its counterclaims, the defendants claimed that if the plaintiffs prevailed then the defendants would exist entitled to totally costs and expenses in excess of the $1.00 day-to-day order profitable to them associated with detention because otherwise plaintiffs would personify unjustly enriched. This prompted the complainant to file an additional counterclaim, alleging that the defendant's counterclaim was a form of retaliation against the plaintiffs. Along November 30, 2018, the court issued an order granting a stipulation to give the axe with prejudice the defendant's first counterclaim. In response, the defendants filed an additive counterclaim quest declaratory relief on December 19, 2018. Some parties continued to register counterclaims against one another: the plaintiffs claimed that the suspect's counterclaims were a form of retaliation; and the defendant sought declaratory relief that No exercise relationship existed 'tween GEO and the detainees who participated in the Voluntary Work Program.

Connected September 27, 2019, the plaintiffs filed a motility to demonstrate a class of "all civil immigration detainees WHO performed work for GEO at the Adelanto Detention Center in the Work Program since GEO assumed responsibility for the Facility in Crataegus oxycantha 2011." Happening November 26, 2019, Pronounce Jesus G. Bernal given plaintiffs' motion to certify this class.

Along Apr 6, 2020, the plaintiffs filed a motion for a short-lived restraining parliamentary procedure that would direct GEO to either (1) halt the use of class members in the planning of work or services under the work program, surgery (2) protect class members away providing conserving article of clothing, sterilized supplies, and testing for COVID-19. The plaintiffs simultaneously filed a motion for speeded up discovery for their requests that pertained to their motion.

Following oral argument, on April 22, the judge denied the plaintiffs' application for a interim restraining set up.

Comparatively little happened over the summer of 2020. The parties engaged in apparently contentious litigation over discovery, with the defendants requesting to reopen discovery from February of 2021 to June of 2021.

On November 19, the parties accompanied a conference regarding the continuing uncovering dispute and succeeding conversation between the parties, a hearing was scheduled for the following week.

The plaintiffs stirred for partial summary judgment happening December 21, 2020, requesting that the court find the suspect liable for remuneration theft, below the belt enrichment, and unfair competition; turn down the defendants' favourable defenses, and dismiss defendants' conditional counterclaim for declaratory relief. The defendants filed a cross motion for summary sound judgment and for a hearing to decertify the class. Equally of September 26, 2021, the court has yet to adjudicate the motions for summary judgment and class decertification and a jury trial is scheduled for January of 2022.

The type is ongoing.

Cedar Hobbs - 11/30/2019
Caitlin Kierum - 05/09/2020
Jack Hibbard - 10/30/2020
Zofia Stunner - 02/08/2021
Rachel Harrington - 09/26/2021

squeeze summary

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Court Docket(s)
C.D. Cal.
IM-CA-0142-9000.pdf | Contingent
Beginning: PACER [Common Access to Court Electronic Records]
Gross Documents
C.D. Cal.

Ill for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief and Damage [ECF# 1]

IM-CA-0142-0001.pdf | Detail
Source: Pacemaker [Public Access to Court Electronic Records]
C.D. Cal.

Suspect the Geo Group, INC.'s Response to Plaintiff's Original Complaint and the Geo Group Iraqi National Congress.'s Counterclaims (1) Unjust Enrichment/Offset (2) Asserting Relief Demand for Jury Trial [ECF# 45]

IM-CA-0142-0002.pdf | Detail
Source: PACER [National Access to Motor inn Electronic Records]
C.D. Cal.

Complainant's Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Geo's Conditional Counterclaims Plaintiff's Reply Counterclaim for Retaliation [ECF# 50]

IM-CA-0142-0004.pdf | Detail
Source: Pacesetter [Public Approach to Court Physical science Records]
C.D. Cal.

Defendant Geo Group's First Amended Answer and Counterclaim to Complainant's First Amended Complaint Demand for Jury trial [ECF# 106]

IM-CA-0142-0003.pdf | Contingent
Source: PACER [Public Access to Court Electronic Records]
C.D. Cal.

Third Amended Ailment for Declaratory and Injunctive Relievo and Damages [ECF# 184]

IM-CA-0142-0005.pdf | Detail
Source: PACER [Public Access to Court Electronic Records]
C.D. Cal.

Order (1) GRANTING Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification (Dkt. No more. 192); (2) DENYING Defendant's Motion to Boot out (Dkt. No. 211); and (3) VACATING the December 2, 2019 Hearing (IN CHAMBERS) [ECF# 223] (2019 WL 7195331)

IM-CA-0142-0006.pdf | WESTLAW | Item
Source: PACER [State-supported Access to Court Electronic Records]
C.D. Cal.

Order on Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification [ECF# 229]

IM-Ca-0142-0021.pdf | Contingent
Source: Pacemaker [Public Access code to Court Electronic Records]
C.D. Cal.

Plaintiffs' Ex Parte Application for a Temporary Restraining Order Requiring COVID-19 Prevention Measures for Nationwide Husp Class [ECF# 252-253]

IM-CA-0142-0007.pdf | Detail
Source: PACER [Public Access to Court Natural philosophy Records]
C.D. Cal.

Notice of Motion and Motion for Plaintiffs' Motion for Expedited Breakthrough in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction [ECF# 254]

IM-CA-0142-0008.pdf | Detail
Source: PACER [Public Access to Motor hotel Natural philosophy Records]
C.D. Cal.

Defendant the GEO Group, INC.'s Opposition to Plaintiffs' Ex Parte Application for a Temporary worker Restraining Order Requiring COVID-19 Prevention Measures for Nationwide Husp Class [Extracellular fluid# 255]

IM-CA-0142-0009.pdf | Particular
Source: PACER [Public Memory access to Court Electronic Records]
C.D. Cal.

Declaration of David Van Pelt in Underpin of Defendant the GEO Group, Inc.'s Foema to Plaintiffs' Ex Parte Application for a Temporary Restraining Order Requiring COVID-19 Prevention Measures for Nationwide Husp Class (Parting 1) [ECF# 256]

IM-CA-0142-0010.pdf | Detail
Beginning: PACER [Public Entree to Motor inn Electronic Records]
C.D. Cal.

Declaration of David Van Pelt in Financial backing of Suspect the GEO Group, Inc.'s Foe to Plaintiffs' X Parte Application for a Temporary worker Restraining Order Requiring COVID-19 Prevention Measures for Nationwide Husp Class (Division 2) [ECF# 256]

IM-CA-0142-0011.pdf | Detail
Source: PACER [Public Memory access to Judicature Electronic Records]
C.D. Cal.

Plaintiffs' Reply in Bear out of their Ex Parte Application for a Temporary Restraining Order Requiring COVID-19 Prevention Measures for Countrywide Husp Division [ECF# 259]

IM-CA-0142-0012.pdf | Detail
Reference: PACER [Public Access to Court Electronic Records]
C.D. Cal.

Declarations in Support of Plaintiffs' Response in Further Sustenanc of their Ex Parte Application for a Temporary Restraining Order Requiring COVID-19 Bar Measures for Nationwide Husp Class [ECF# 260 &adenosine monophosphate; 260-1 to 260-27]

IM-CA-0142-0013.pdf | Particular
Source: PACER [Public Access to Court Natural philosophy Records]
C.D. Cal.

Show A to the Declaration of Eric Staiger [ECF# 261-1]

IM-CA-0142-0015.pdf | Detail
Source: PACER [Public Access to Court Physical science Records]
C.D. Cal.

Suspect the GEO Chemical group, INC.'s Notice of Supplement Annunciation with Demonstrate 1 Declaration of Eric Staiger [ECF# 262 &A; 262-1]

IM-CA-0142-0014.pdf | Detail
Source: PACER [Public Access to Court Electronic Records]
C.D. Cal.

Exhibit B to the Proclamation of Eric Staiger Part 1 [ECF# 262-1]

IM-CA-0142-0016.pdf | Detail
Source: Pacemaker [Public Access to Court Electronic Records]
C.D. Cal.

Parade B to the Declaration of Eric Staiger Part 2 [Extracellular fluid# 262-1]

IM-Calif.-0142-0017.pdf | Detail
Source: PACER [Public Access to Motor lodge Natural philosophy Records]
C.D. Cal.

Exhibit B to the Declaration of Eric Staiger Part 3 [ECF# 262-1]

IM-CA-0142-0018.pdf | Point
Source: PACER [Semipublic Access to Court Physics Records]
C.D. Cal.

Exhibit B to the Declaration of Eric Staiger Part 4 [ECF# 262-1]

IM-CA-0142-0019.pdf | Detail
Root: PACER [Public Approach to Motor inn Electronic Records]
C.D. Cal.

Order (1) Denying Plaintiffs' Ex Parte Application for Temporary Restraining Order (Dkt. No. 252) and (2) Denying Plaintiffs' Movement for Expedited Uncovering (Dkt. No. 254) (In William Chambers) [ECF# 268] (2020 WL 3031620)

IM-CA-0142-0020.pdf | WESTLAW | Particular
Germ: Pacemaker [Public Access to Court Electronic Records]

show every last people docs

Judges Bernal, Jesus Gilberto (C.D. Cal.) evince/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0006 | IM-California-0142-0020 | IM-CA-0142-0021 | IM-CA-0142-9000

Kewalramani, Shashi H. Court not on record [Magistrate] show/hide docs


Plaintiff's Lawyers Ahdoot, Robert R. (California) show/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0007 | IM-California-0142-0008 | IM-CA-0142-0012 | IM-Golden State-0142-0013 | IM-Golden State-0142-9000

Biblo, Mallory T (Texas) show/hide docs


Robert Burns, Warren T. (Lone-Star State) show/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0001 | IM-CA-0142-0007 | IM-CA-0142-0008 | IM-CA-0142-0012 | IM-CA-0142-0013 | IM-California-0142-9000

Charest, Daniel H. (Texas) render/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0007 | IM-CA-0142-0008 | IM-Atomic number 20-0142-0012 | IM-CA-0142-0013 | IM-Calcium-0142-9000

Cross, Lauren M (Texas) show/hide docs


Free, Robert Andrew (Tennessee) show/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0001 | IM-CA-0142-0007 | IM-Atomic number 20-0142-0008 | IM-CA-0142-0012 | IM-CA-0142-0013 | IM-California-0142-9000

Glezakos, Ruhandy (California) present/hide docs


Gower, Charles J (Louisiana) indicate/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0007 | IM-CA-0142-0008 | IM-CA-0142-0012 | IM-Atomic number 20-0142-0013 | IM-CA-0142-9000

Maya, Theodore W (California) show/skin docs

IM-CA-0142-0007 | IM-CA-0142-0008 | IM-Ca-0142-0012 | IM-CA-0142-0013 | IM-CA-0142-9000

Admiral Nelson, Korey Arthur (LA) show/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0004 | IM-CA-0142-0007 | IM-CA-0142-0008 | IM-CA-0142-0012 | IM-Calif.-0142-0013 | IM-CA-0142-9000

Ramos, Nicole (Golden State) show off/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0007 | IM-CA-0142-0008 | IM-CA-0142-0012 | IM-CA-0142-0013

Shakib, Vanessa Tamara (CA) show/hide docs


Straus, Alex R (Calif.) show/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0007 | IM-CA-0142-0008 | IM-CA-0142-0012 | IM-CA-0142-0013 | IM-CA-0142-9000

Count Rumford, William B. (Texas) show/hide docs

IM-Golden State-0142-0001 | IM-Atomic number 20-0142-0007 | IM-California-0142-0008 | IM-CA-0142-0012 | IM-CA-0142-9000

Vincent, E. Lawrence (Texas) usher/hide docs

IM-Calcium-0142-0007 | IM-CA-0142-0008 | IM-CA-0142-0012 | IM-CA-0142-0013 | IM-California-0142-9000

Wolfson, Tina (CA) she/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0007 | IM-CA-0142-0008 | IM-CA-0142-0012 | IM-CA-0142-0013 | IM-Atomic number 20-0142-9000

Wright, Lydia (Louisiana) display/hide out docs

IM-CA-0142-0005 | IM-CA-0142-0007 | IM-CA-0142-0008 | IM-Calif.-0142-0012 | IM-CA-0142-0013 | IM-California-0142-9000

Defendant's Lawyers Armstrong, Shannon L (Oregon) record/hide docs


Branta leucopsis, Colin L (Colorado) register/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0014 | IM-CA-0142-9000

Bobo, Ashley (California) show/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0009 | IM-CA-0142-0014

Calhoun, Ashley Elizabeth (California) show/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0009 | IM-Golden State-0142-0014 | IM-CA-0142-9000

Cooper, Charles II Justin (DC) show/shroud docs

IM-Golden State-0142-9000

Deacon, Charles A (TX) show/hide docs


DeLaney, Damien Saint Paul (California) render/hide docs


Donohue, John M (Oregon) depict/hide docs

IM-Golden State-0142-9000

Eby, Christopher J (Colorado) show/hide docs


Ellison, Dawn A (District of Columbia) show/vei docs


Emery, Mark Thomas (Zone of Columbia University) show/hide docs

IM-Golden State-0142-9000

Freund, Robert Sean (California) show/hide docs


Gallagher, Steven Phillip (California) show/hide docs


Gallion, Michael L. (California) depict/hide docs

IM-Ca-0142-0009 | IM-CA-0142-0014 | IM-CA-0142-9000

Herrington, Henry Martyn Robert J. (California) show/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0003 | IM-CA-0142-9000

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Lesley (Golden State) testify/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0002 | IM-CA-0142-9000

Hou, Alicia Y (California) show/hide docs


Kirk, Michael W. (District of Columbia) show/hide docs


Linhardt, Alexander L (California) usher/hide docs


Mell, Joan K. (Washington) show/hide docs

IM-Golden State-0142-9000

Robbins, Ellen S (California) show/hide docs


Scheffey, Adrienne (Colorado) establish/skin docs

IM-California-0142-0014 | IM-CA-0142-9000

Schipma, Scott A (District of Capital of South Carolina) show/hide docs

IM-Atomic number 20-0142-9000

Short, Carolyn P. (Pennsylvania) picture/hide docs


Silverman, David Herbert Lawrence D (Florida) show/hide docs


Stouck, Kraut (District of Columbia) show/fell docs


Tellado, Christina Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhi (CA) show/hide docs


Joseph Mallord William Turner, Jonathan Michael (Calif.) show/hide docs


Van Hide, David (California) show/hide docs

IM-CA-0142-0009 | IM-CA-0142-0010 | IM-Atomic number 20-0142-0011 | IM-Calif.-0142-0014 | IM-CA-0142-9000

Wang, Stacey Hsiang Chun (California) show/hide docs


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Where to File Complaints Against Geo Group for Labor Laws

Source: https://www.clearinghouse.net/detail.php?id=17099

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